Project Name : North Gessner Road Improvements
Gessner Road is a major thoroughfare that carries over 42,000 vehicles per day. The Gessner Road Improvement project is one of the critical capital improvement projects to be undertaken by TIRZ 17/Memorial City Redevelopment Authority, providing improved drainage, mobility, and quality of life.
TIRZ 17 successfully secured federal funding to partially fund the construction of Gessner Road, which required the design to meet TxDOT and FHWA standards with strict adherence to the Local Government Projects Procedures (LGPP) process. The project scope included improving drainage issues, mobility, access management, traffic operations, and safety within the project limits. Gauge was responsible for:
- Full roadway reconstruction
- Complex hydraulics analysis using detailed 2D analysis to understand and quantify the significant overland flow draining to the project limits.
- Improved drainage by adding large 10-FT x 5-FT storm sewer box culverts to supplement the existing box culvert
- Replacing the aging water lines that exceed its useful service life
- Creating wider sidewalks with soft and hardscape amenities
- Adding theater district street lighting along the project corridor
- Replacing the traffic signal at Westview Drive

Location: Houston, TX
Client: TIRZ 17/Memorial City Redevelopment Authority
Services Provided: Plans Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) and Construction Phase Services
Status: Construction Completed
Construction Cost: $14.6 M