Project Name : Panther Creek Flood Mitigation Study
As part of the HCFCD 2018 Bond Program Gauge was contracted to evaluate areas at risk for flooding in the Panther Creek Watershed, and to develop improvement options to reduce flooding conditions.
Located mostly in the City of Galena Park, the Panther Creek Watershed is located just north of Buffalo Bayou, just east of Loop 610 East, and is approximately 2 square miles. It includes a combination of the mainstem open channel (G112-00-00) and multiple enclosed channel systems (portions of G112-00-00, G112-08-00, G112-09-00, and G113-00-00).
The study area has experienced significant structural flooding in recent years, particularly during Hurricane Harvey. Over 190 structures in the G112 watershed are documented as having flooded during Harvey.
Gauge was scoped with analyzing:
- The existing conditions problem areas in the Panther Creek Watershed
- Determining the cause of flooding for each problem area
- Developing recommendations to help reduce the risk of flooding in the respective problem areas
Due to its urbanized nature and the enclosed channel systems that characterize the upstream portion of the watershed, it was appropriate to develop both a 1D/2D urban storm drain model to better understand how the enclosed channel systems operate, as well as a 1D/2D channel model for the main stem of Panther Creek (G112-00-00). Gauge developed both a 1D/2D HEC-RAS model for G112-00-00 downstream of the enclosed section, and a rain on grid 2D Infoworks ICM model for the entire watershed. These two models were used to help verify one another. Results from the Infoworks ICM model were used to modify BDF hydrologic parameters to better represent flow rates and ponding results in HEC-RAS. Hydrograph comparisons were made between the HMS/RAS models, and the 2D Infoworks Model to validate flows. The hydrographs compared well between the two modes and better aligned with flooded structure validation data.
Based on the Existing Conditions 1D and 2D models, problem areas were identified in the watershed and conceptual solution concepts were developed. Modeling of these solution concepts is ongoing. Once complete, the project will present improvement options and cost estimates to reduce ponding conditions in the watershed.

Location: Houston, TX
Client: Houston County Flood Control District
Services Provided: Complex hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, stormwater master planning, and public engagement.
Status: Study Ongoing
Construction Cost: TBD